A to improving your climbing is to work on your weaknesses. These movements target two of my greatest weaknesses: . thoracic spine extensionshoulder extensionHere are 2 great openers I&;ve been working on:The first one targets more thoracic extension as I limit the motion into my shoulders by bringing them in closer to the wall. Simply stick your butt out further as you sink your body down and take 5 diaphragmatic breaths and bring your chest / face towards the wall. You can target specific vertebra segments depending on how far you stick your butt outSwipe ️ for a modification for targeting more of the shoulders and through the lats. This time try and bring your chest down at a 45 degree angle towards the ground in front of you. . Try these as part of your mobility work before climbing, handstanding or before calisthenics!


This guy came in super grumpy. Sucks when every breath you take causes shooting pain. He woke up with pain into the mid back after heavy lifting and house renovations and presented with pain on every. Single. Breath. he had some pretty bad fascial adhesions along his right T34 and a seriously pissed off right rib (more specifically a costalvertebral joint or CVT)We got right down to it and in a single THB session including:.Cup&Pull (top left)Instrument assisted soft tissue (IAST top right)CVT adjustment (bottom left)Assisted rib mobilizationsAfterwards we had turned this guy from -> (bottom right)

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