The power of perspective.

If there’s anything in your life that you are unhappy with, ask yourself “Is this issue a result of my perspective?”

Throughout your life there will always be obstacles, naysayers, and those who do not believe in you. These people do not see what you see.  Prove them wrong! half full half empty - power of perspective

The glass is half empty – a pessimist’s point of view.

The glass is half full – an optimist’s point of view.

The glass is full of half water and air – perhaps a realists view!

If there’s an area of your life you’re unhappy with, consider the problem might actually be your perspective.  If you viewed your situation, problem, obstacle differently, would you experience the same feelings?  What if you tried a different perspective? More often than not a change in perspective opens up the potential for being happy and feeling great.

Consider the following –  “I’m overweight because I don’t know anything about working out or exercise so I can’t go to the gym.”

For the person complaining, they see an obstacle they feel they cannot overcome in order to begin their journey towards a healthier life.  This is a negative view.  What I see is an opportunity.  Once that gap in knowledge is filled, this person has unlimited potential to reach their physical peak as long as they stay motivated.  That is the power of perspective.

Zig Ziglar said it best that “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”

Watch this video.  It very well may change the way you doubt people.

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