Grand opening of last weekend. Tremendously awesome setting. Extremely clean problems albeit super high. This dyno problem I&;ll call &;Plato&;s cave&; I&;m counting towards my 12 goals this year. Watching the competitive circuit at the end of the day really gave me perspective as to just how biomechanically efficient and effective climbers can be. Continually learning as I study their movement patterns and how small adjustments in technique result in greater contact strength. Depending on your beta you can use your own personal strengths to your advantage and everyone can overcome problems in their own way. _is_my_passion


Yesterday you wrote page one. With the new year brings new beginnings. I have never been a large proponent for new years resolutions as many simply make goals they should have accomplished in 2015, or 2014, or 2013.. They do not follow the few golden rules to goal setting. This year, make goals that follow the SMART principle: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relavent, Time bound. In addition to following the SMART principle, you should also:1. Set goals to motivate you.2. Create an action plan to map out how you will achieve your goals.3. Write them down. Better yet, comment/share this post with your goals for 2017.4. Stay true to your goals! It takes 6 weeks for your actions to become habits. Great things happen to those who set goals and crush.I&;ll share with you guys one of my goals:This year in climbing I intend to crush 5 v6&;s, 20 v5&;s and perform a single one arm pull up(OAPU). I have a specific training protocol I intend to follow to perform the OAPU and will adapted my warm up and climbing training to help me complete V6&;s as they are set at the hub.
