A little while ago I wrote up some details of every grip type. Finally getting around to posting them!OPEN HAND GRIPThis grip position places a lot less stress on the finger joints and tendons. The amount of force on your A2 pulley using the the crimp grip vs. the open hand grip is over 36x! So when you climb try your best to use this type of grip wherever you can.This position can be trained to become one of your strongest grip positions and is most effective on deep, rounded, sloper or pocket holds.Take home – Keep the angle between your distal and middle phalanx as open or large as possible! – Use the open hand grip EVERYWHERE! train with it, embrace it, become one with it. @hubclimbing posted on December 6, 2017 by Dr. Jonathan Leung | No comments by
Can you do these shoulder dislocations with such a narrow grip??? Try it! Use this to warm up before climbing! Before dodgeball! Before anything where you&;ll need your shoulders. @jemma_lee32 (@get_repost)・・・I strongly feel that mobility (and flexibility) training should be prioritised – how can you really develop full strength if you cannot move through a full range of motion? Not only this, but being able to move freely helps to prevent injury and improve recovery. And in Gymnastics Strength Training, if your joints cannot move safely through a full range then you WILL hit a road block when it comes to progressing certain skills. There are simply no shortcuts when it comes to improving mobility. More is not always better. A reasonable amount, done consistently over time, with a dose of patience will go a long way PS: these standing shoulder inlocates are great as a mobility exercise and pre-hab tool. Always room to improve, but when I first attempted this exercise 18 months ago I needed a longer stick gst posted on November 15, 2017 by Dr. Jonathan Leung | No comments by
This morning I had the pleasure to see these two slowly stroll by. They must be past 80! As our society ages one of the most important things is to maintain your mobility! Don&;t take it for granted. Do your rehab. Do that stretch. Spend a few moments on your health. Don&;t take it for granted if you can breathe and move. For one day you may not. During my practice this is something I see far more often is once you lose some mobility. That&;s when you truly appreciate it. Don&;t wait til it&;s too late. If you want change. Change something you do each and everyday. They may both be using a cane for assistance. But they have each other to lean on when it matters. whatyoucan posted on November 4, 2017 by Dr. Jonathan Leung | No comments by
This is a great warm up exercise I enjoy using before any handstand work and climbing. OPEN UP YOUR SHOULDERS. Strength in motion @nawkn @athleticmovementassessment (@get_repost)・・・Scapular control exercise for the overhead athlete and even patients with &;impingement&; at the right time through graded exposure. This particular exercise set-up starts from the ground up!.. ilitation posted on November 1, 2017 by Dr. Jonathan Leung | No comments by
&;Booger boogie&; a fun v? A climb where your hips are your best friend… Stretch out that right hip and warm up your back cuz this climb makes you do a funny dance when not done right. Easier said than done! posted on October 26, 2017 by Dr. Jonathan Leung | No comments
[Finger anatomy series 3/3] 3.The Proximal Interphalangeal joint or PIPNow that you know about the flexor tendons, the function of the pulleys and where they tend to pull, you should be able to guess why the PIP joint is so important!The PIP is the main joint that dictates the forces along the pulleys due to the position and angle of pull from the forces of the tendons.Demonstrated here is more of a hanging grip or an open handed grip. The angle of the PIP in this image is quite large and thus the resultant forces on the pulleys is minimal !! The SMALLER angle in the PIP = GREATER forces on the pulleys! Take this into consideration when thinking about how you grip your holds! I&;ll demonstrate with some more pictures in the following posts! posted on August 22, 2017 by Dr. Jonathan Leung | No comments by
[Finger anatomy series 2/3] 2. Annular Pulleys These puppies prevent your finger from doing something known as bowstringing. These pulleys are fibrous bands that are used to maintain the contact of the finger tendon along the bone. What they do is transmit the force of the tendon into different angles of pull. Without them our hands wouldn&;t function very well and would look very weird. Bowstringing occurs when there has been a COMPLETE pulley rupture. With climbing the A2, A4 and A3 are most commonly injured!A2 is the largest of them all and attaches directly to bone. This one takes the brunt of the work when we go to climb or crimp!A3 attaches to whats known as the volar plate – it doesn&;t really attach directly to the bone! This is super super important when ADOLESCENTS or younger adults are climbing as an injury here can PERMANENTLY affect a GROWTH PLATE! It can potentially cause dramatic issues for their future. A rule of is if an adolescent complains of finger injury – SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP. A4 attaches to the bone directly as well closer to the finger tip and is much smaller than the A2. How can you use this to help? Put less strain on your pulleys! Warm up with progressive bodyweight when crimping. Slow and steady wins the race. Feel free and content with any questions or concerns but up next is the PIP and how to crimp safer and stronger! posted on August 18, 2017 by Dr. Jonathan Leung | No comments by
1. Flexor tendonsThe flexor tendons in the fingers occur because the muscles of the forearms become tendons as they enter the carpel tunnel into the hand.As you can see from the first image we have a bunch of other muscles of the forearm that affect motion of the hand and wrist. Well ignore those for now! First up is the Flexor digitorum superficialis or FDS. Swipe ️ and see it visualized again with its interaction with its deeper counterpart. The Flexor digitorum profundus or FDP is the deeper muscle that extends to the finger tip and helps us with flexing the entire fingerFDS is a tendon that splits into a V to allow the deeper FDP to run between it right to the tip! It inserts into the middle phalanx and flexes primarily the PIP joint. The design of these two tendons contribute to why we have such fine motor control at our fingers but it&;d be a shame if these tendons didn&;t have anything strong to hold them down! Next up. Pulleys. posted on August 17, 2017 by Dr. Jonathan Leung | No comments by
The finger is comprised of a number of joints, muscles, tendons, and many pulleys!Visualized here is your index finger! In the next posts we will will focus on 3 things: Flexor tendonsAnnular pulleysProximal Interphalangeal joint (PIP)There are many other components to the finger that are important to climbing. Injuries to these areas such as the joint capsules of each phalanx, each knuckle (capsule tissue injuries/capsulitis), the lumbrical muscles (another finger muscle injury source!) and the volar plates. (super super important for ADOLESCENT climbers! Attn: coaches) stay tuned. posted on August 17, 2017 by Dr. Jonathan Leung | No comments by
Swipe ️ to see all the climbing grip types. Climbers use their hands in a multitude of ways. This series of will demonstrate the various positions of climbing and grip types.Back to basics. Different hold positions.full crimphalf crimpopen crimppocketnarrow pinchfat pinchopen handPay attention to the positions of each grip and think about the angles between the MIDDLE knuckle in each hold type. This joint is the Proximal Interphalangeal joint or the PIP for short. Notice how the finger position in the pocket is very similar to a half crimp position? Sometimes even the open crimp/open hand position! Only on fewer fingers. The pinch grips are the SAME as the open grip position! Some of you advanced or pro climbers say Dr. Jon! That ain&;t all of them!… Well then here&;s a more exhaustive list but they all use the same concepts as above! What about slopers?Slopers use an open hand grip type to ensure maximum surface area contact for a friction based gripWhat about underclings? a jug hold with open hand/ half crimp grip stylesWhat of a Gaston? This along with the mantle is more of a pushing grip instead of pulling. Gaston is often in a half grip positionMantle is a open hand max surface area friction moveThe absolute best grip in terms of climbing longevity and strain on the fingers hand and pulleys is the OPEN HAND grip type. Remember this. Think about why it may be the case! My next post will showcase some of the anatomy of the finger focusing mainly on the pulleys! Stay tuned. posted on August 16, 2017 by Dr. Jonathan Leung | No comments by