An issue that plagues this generation – Text Neck – neck, shoulder pain and headaches

An issue that plagues this generation - Text Neck.

With the advent of smart phones and tablets allowing us to be constantly connected no matter where we are, young and old have adopted the hunched over position over their phones resulting in Text neck – neck, shoulder pain and headaches.

The pain that comes with frequent texting and mobile device use arises from the Forward Head Posture that is adopted while using our mobile device for extended periods of time.


Forward Head Posture

Forward Head Posture

Forward Head Posture is the location of your head relative to the rest of your center of gravity.  The further away your head moves from your center of gravity, the more stress your body must bear.  This is often the starting point of many neck and upper back health conditions and is extremely common in our society today.



4 simple Text Neck Prevention strategies:

1)      Take more breaks

Simply taking more breaks or spending less time on your phone can provide your neck with the relief it needs to be pain free.

2)      Position the phone closer to eye level

Much like an ergonomic working environment, holding the phone higher will help with the next point.

3)      Posture posture posture

When it comes to real estate – Location location location! When it comes to your spinal health – Posture posture posture! Simply sitting up straight and maintaining good posture will relieve your upper back from the strain of being hunched over.

4)      Stretch and Strengthen your neck

Stretch often and before you start to notice any pain as preventing is often easier than correcting.  Not sure how to stretch? My next post will cover basic neck stretches and strengthening.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to call in for a free consult or book with Dr. Jonathan Leung today!

As with most things in life, if you change nothing, don’t expect your health to change.

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