Life is better upside down. I&;m starting a challenge for myself to see how much I can improve. This is day one (I&;ve been training for a few months already but not consistent!) Most of my improvements have come from wrist and shoulder mobility drills such as the ones I&;ve shown in my and skin the cats for my shoulders. The handstand requires both good awareness of where your body is in space and is a feat a muscular endurance. Try it out after a wrist warm up (find a soft surface or kick up against the wall). It&;s a great shoulder and core workout! culture


Ulnar / radial deviation fist or patent pending URDF! This is both a wrist mobilization and a strengthening exercise I use as part of my wrist sequence. It is using what&;s known as a closed kinetic chain (the hand is fixed against the ground) eccentric movement(you contract your muscles while they lengthen) The more weight you apply with your body the more tension there is on your muscles. Start off with minimal bodyweight and slowly progress through the motion feeling the end ranges of your wrist. This exercise is great used as a warmup before crushing and to bulletproof your wrist. You can also use it after the sharp pain subsides with a series


Grand opening of last weekend. Tremendously awesome setting. Extremely clean problems albeit super high. This dyno problem I&;ll call &;Plato&;s cave&; I&;m counting towards my 12 goals this year. Watching the competitive circuit at the end of the day really gave me perspective as to just how biomechanically efficient and effective climbers can be. Continually learning as I study their movement patterns and how small adjustments in technique result in greater contact strength. Depending on your beta you can use your own personal strengths to your advantage and everyone can overcome problems in their own way. _is_my_passion


Dyno! A dynamic movement used in climbing that t-rexs cannot perform. Ensure an adequate warm up and a support team for maximum success.This problem posed an interesting mental block for me. A day previously I thought it was simply impossible. A few wayward half-hearted attempts reinforced this notion of the impossible. My fellow climbers made some progressive attempts inspiring and reminding me to disregard any preconceived notions and just go for it. When things gets you down remember that you always have those around you to pick you back up and put you on your feet so always put your best foot forward. Thanks for the support guys. . .
