Dyno! A dynamic movement used in climbing that t-rexs cannot perform. Ensure an adequate warm up and a support team for maximum success.This problem posed an interesting mental block for me. A day previously I thought it was simply impossible. A few wayward half-hearted attempts reinforced this notion of the impossible. My fellow climbers made some progressive attempts inspiring and reminding me to disregard any preconceived notions and just go for it. When things gets you down remember that you always have those around you to pick you back up and put you on your feet so always put your best foot forward. Thanks for the support guys. . .

Dyno! A dynamic movement used in climbing that t-rexs cannot perform. Ensure an adequate warm up and a support team for maximum success.This problem posed an interesting mental block for me. A day previously I thought it was simply impossible. A few wayward half-hearted attempts reinforced this notion of the impossible. My fellow climbers made some progressive attempts inspiring and reminding me to disregard any preconceived notions and just go for it. When things gets you down remember that you always have those around you to pick you back up and put you on your feet so always put your best foot forward. Thanks for the support guys. . .

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