When it comes down to it your body is like a well oiled machine. Much like your car, a little bit of maintenance work goes a long way so that you don&;t find yourself stuck on the side of the road with an engine that goes kaput. In order to prevent this, you make sure you get your oil change and have maintenance done on your car. Treat your body the same. Swipe for a graph of a graph demonstrating how stress from daily tasks accumulates over time unnoticed. When your body encounters stress, your body responds over time by working with the stress by compensating in order to allow you to function normally. A lot of the time these compensations can go unnoticed but create physiological change. It can take quite some time for these compensations to raise their ugly heads and manifest as something you notice; whether that be a click, a range limitation or pain. Once we&;ve hit this point, much more work needs to be done in order to correct this change. Swipe again. Knowing that stress can affect the body and cause change over time, the same can be said for positive change! Do your body a favor and perform regular maintenance work on it. If you do this enough, you can prevent more major issues in the future. If you want change, do something different everyday. Often enough this is accomplished by warming up/cooling down your muscles and joints properly. As long as you assess and correct your compensations you can prevent or delay unwanted change. If it&;s range of motion limitations perform mobility work. If your muscles are improperly balanced in strength and tone do strength work. If you&;re not sure what needs work, have a professional assess you and I can nit pick on things you can do to prepare your body for anything.

When it comes down to it your body is like a well oiled machine.  Much like your car, a little bit of maintenance work goes a long way so that you don&;t find yourself stuck on the side of the road with an engine that goes kaput.  In order to prevent this, you make sure you get your oil change and have maintenance done on your car.  Treat your body the same. Swipe  for a graph of a graph demonstrating how stress from daily tasks accumulates over time unnoticed. When your body encounters stress, your body responds over time by working with the stress by compensating in order to allow you to function normally.  A lot of the time these compensations can go unnoticed but create physiological change.  It can take quite some time for these compensations to raise their ugly heads and manifest as something you notice; whether that be a click, a range limitation or pain.  Once we&;ve hit this point, much more work needs to be done in order to correct this change. Swipe  again.  Knowing that stress can affect the body and cause change over time, the same can be said for positive change!  Do your body a favor and perform regular maintenance work on it.  If you do this enough, you can prevent more major issues in the future. If you want change, do something different everyday. Often enough this is accomplished by warming up/cooling down your muscles and joints properly.  As long as you assess and correct your compensations you can prevent or delay unwanted change. If it&;s range of motion limitations perform mobility work. If your muscles are improperly balanced in strength and tone do strength work.  If you&;re not sure what needs work, have a professional assess you and I can nit pick on things you can do to prepare your body for anything.

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